We fell in love with the city when we walked around visiting different locations that participants will enjoy; we discussed the programme and made some rearrangements; we had a look at some of the applications and got enthusiastic about the high level of them. We also made last agreements for the venue where the conferences will take place, and found a possible place for the opening; lastly we talked with people at the hostel. We (of course!) also took the pulse of Copenhagen nights, finding one or two places that we are sure our happy participants will love!
On personal level, it was my second time in the city and it snowed everyday, as the first time did. No matter what members of AEGEE-København tell about not snowing often in their city, if you are coming I advise you take warm clothes and good shoes! :)

PS: Pictures of people working are usually boring, so this time we show you some more interesting ones :)
It looks like you spent some hard working but also nice and funny moments together, it's a pity I couldn't be there with you. But we will meet again in less than one month :) Can't wait to see SuFu panda again. I hope panda is preparing some new surprises for us ;)
Big panda hugs from me to all of you!
It looks like that everything is waiting for us to come, enjoy what you prepare and hug the event as a team and make the most of it!
Just can't wait to meet you...SuFu Team + Aegee-Copenhagen + participants
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