December 19, 2009
Flagship Projects in Nightmare Before Christmas
This year the aim is to present a very important set of information to new members of antennae South of the Pyrinees: the importance of Flagship Projects in AEGEE, and especially to show our antennae what can they do in this framework. It has been conceived by a great team of trainers, coming from several antennae under the supervision of the NetCommie Oscar.
We have started early this orning (yeah!) with basic presentations on AEGEE structure and history, to warm up; soon we came into a review of past Flagship Projects, with their objectives and the tools (events) they created to achieve them. Of course we gave special attention to our dear SuFu project, which was presented in detail, event by event, before giving entry to people from Beyond Europe.
Let's hope that, after their case work during the rest of the LTC, an antenna will come up with the motivation, ideas and will to organize another Flagship Project event down here... SuFu and the City was a great success, let's try to repeat it soon!
December 15, 2009
Alicante awaits us...

Here in Morocco is sooo cold, I want to arrive home in Alicante next week (after a stop in LTC Madrid - Nightmare before Christmas III) and start preparing our traditional NY meeting. This time I will be the host, and it is a pleasure and honour after having been so well treated in Estonia and Greece.
I am really looking forward to meet again all those friends, some of them will be together for 4th year in a row, what a record! For some others will be the first, a nice comeback after a year of absence, and unfortunately some people won't be able to join us this year :( We will have you present in our hearts, that is for sure, because we are the Panda team!
Kadri is working on the program, because we will be there for work; but I will try to prepare the social agenda, with NY party, and hopefully we can squeeze there some outdoor activity as usual (what about climbing the mountain in the picture?). Yes! the sea is there so we will be able to swim again like past year. For those of you who are cold-blooded, there will be also sauna :)
Countdown already started, there are just 12 days till first of you come to Alicante...
November 4, 2009
SuFuing in the city
1 whole antenna working 24h...
A great team of participants...
The support of the Youth in Action program from the European Commission...
A big city to discover from a different point of view...

These are the ingredients for SuFu and the city, a seminar that at this very same moment is having place in Madrid. As we are more or less passing the equator of the week, we can say that it is doing very well. We spent the morning at the waste recycling plant of Valdemingomez; providing service for the whole city (4.5 million people), it is a small city on itself where all the packages and organic waste is prepared for being recycled. On previous days, IUCN speaker Russell Galt showed us the interactions between biodiversity and urban environment, and gave us the opportunity to provide ideas for the future evaluation system of urban biodiversity. We also could learn about citizen initiatives struggling with legislation to have the right to transform an empty space into a public open area for the neighbours, with vegetable garden, sport fields, and even an open air theater! And more and more activities that fill our mornings, afternoons and nights.
Here you can have some impressions from Filip, from AEGEE-Skopje, one of our participants:
"Great seminar, lots of interesting visits and speeches, and all of that in the wonderful city of Madrid. Love it !!". Anyway we will not stop working hard to make the second half even better, we are motivated to close the SuFu cycle with another successful project accomplished!
Now we have to leave you, here it is hard to find some free time :) Participants are now doing a Architecture Photo Rally...
October 20, 2009
SuFu going to Agora!
We will have some very special things to offer: that will keep you warm, or that you can use to send good wishes to your friends abroad... And rumour goes around, that 2nd episode of SuFu Panda adventures will be premiered in Kyiv...
You can also meet us in workshop on Saturday, to hear about the results of survey made last year among AEGEE members and SuFu follow up activities. Also some people from AEGEE-Leiden will be there to give you some inside info, how our next Agora plans to be little bit more green.
This time, SuFu team members also try to set an example and reach Agora in a more sustainable way. Miguel is soon to take train from Poland to Ukraine, while Kadri and Katrin together with AEGEE-Tallinn team will start their road trip on Wednesday evening. See you in Kyiv!
September 7, 2009
2nd Danube event to start in Bratislava
Just few weeks after the 1st event in Danube Delta, in Romania, "Danube - source of inspiration" will now be followed by "Danube - most international river in the world". As you might have read from SuFu newsletter, the 1st event was indeed great success and probably this one won't be any different :-)
The weather is nice and sunny, hotel fancy, local organisers helpful and participants seem enthusiastic. We will have great week ahead: lectures and workshops from both professionals and SuFu team members, outdoor European Night, boat trip to Vienna, waltz dancing lessons and much more.
Stay tuned for our impressions later on :-)
August 21, 2009
Slow summer time does not stop SuFu team

I am here in my Moroccan Mountains, tired after a full day driving my 4x4 trying to get some new information about my leopards... and in the evening, trying to revive this blog that has fallen under the lazyness of the summer.

But the lack of news here doesn't mean that we have not been busy! At the moment, the event Danube: Source of Inspiration will be closing in the amazing environment of Danube Delta. I am sure soon our Danube Girls will update you on what happened. And soon, second part of Danube Project will happen in Bratislava - Danube: Most International River in the World (Sept 7-13th).
I am busy with the details of another event, one that is my personal initiative

We have chosen Madrid because it is a city that has changed a lot in the past years, and more to come with the candidature to host the Olympic Games in 2016. A city with a great park in its heart (Retiro), with one of the best Underground systems, with an active citizneship and gaining multucultural richness year by year, and lots of neighbourhoods with its own personalities. A city to discover in many layers, like a Matrioshka, is waiting for you!
If you want to learn and participate in the discussions, if you have ideas that want to share, then you are lucky!!! You can still apply till Aug 25th! It is an event funded with Youth in Action program, so you may even get flight reimboursement :) You can get more information at the intranet, in facebook, or you can ask directly leaving a comment at this post.
Due to the transition between new and old websites in AEGEE, the best way to apply is to send an email directly to AEGEE Madrid (aegeemadrid (at), including:
Passport no:
Place of birth:
Q2 What do you know about sustainable development and urban environments?:
July 8, 2009
The Age of Stupid
For me it was the best documentary I have ever seen. Documentaries tend to be just a bit boring movies that aim to pass on the message in a very neutral way. So did this movie, but in a whole new way. The narrotor, Pete Postlethwaite was the last human being on the world (year 2050) and he just wondered, what happened that it all ended up like that.....
Its not the Greenpeace wale saving mission kind of movie, its a movie that makes every single person realise that jeopardising our whole planet because of a "ruined view" is just not worth it. (Theres a very interesting part in the movie about the wind turbines in some northern English village I believe, where the local people fight against sustainable ways of producing energy because the wind turbines are diminishing the values of their view. Really!!).
I really do recommend to see the movie!!
But even better, take your sceptic friend with you and show them the movie! I think its a great movie with which we can illustrate our point.
See the trailer at:
June 28, 2009
SuFu meeting in Brussels
SuFu is having a midyear meeting in Brussels at the moment.
We took this opportunity to evaluate our progress so far, plan for our upcoming events (they're going to be utterly cool, so stay tuned!!) and last but not least enjoy and improve our team spirit and try the combination of Dutch asparagus and Belgian peas in a risotto. And as it was the EU's Green Week in Brussels, we also visited there.
Because someone tried to poison our highly successful SuFu project manager, SuFu panda had to come to save the day. Naturally, we used this opportunity to make a video about all the adventures this brave panda had in AEGEE's headquarters. Of course we will share this with you soon :-)
At the meeting we had a lot of creative sessions, defined the work to be done in the future and planned how
Because the network commission was present at the CD house too, we did a European Night together, which started with a bit late, but utterly marvelous pizza dinner made by Olya and Thomas. After that we did the presentations about each other's cultures and tasted from the nice food and beverages coming from all the different countries. The Estonians (Tiit in particular) really put their effort in it with building a genuine Estonian Sauna in a tent in the garden. Of course it took some Dutch ingeniuty to realise this Estonian project, but the end result was marvelous. And so SuFu kept it's tradition to introduce the merits of Estonian sauna to yet another member of the Comité Directeur (and all other people present).
Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming events, there are a lot of nice things coming up: Activities in the Danube project in the Danube Delta (Romania) and Bratislava (Slovakia), SuFu in the city in Madrid (Spain).
June 15, 2009
Universities going green around the world
Unversities seem to be seeking sustainability in mainly 2 directions:
1) reducing the negative environmental impact of their buldings through energy efficiency, reducing water use, amount of waste, CO2 emissions, etc;
2) creating environmental awareness, involving students, scientists, management and local communities into common actions towards sustainability.
Listening to different presentations, taking part in workshops and just discussing with different university leaders,
So I think that there is much that we as students and AEGEE memebrs could do to spread the idea of sustainable universities in Europe, to make our own universities more sustainable. There are so many good examples to show already in the world, we just need to make our voices heard. After all, universities as education and research centres can play so important role in turning whole society towards sustainability.
June 6, 2009
SuFu panda visited Ljubljana on his EDE journey
When the official part of EDE event was over, it was of course time for the unofficial part, so we went together to the eco party, where AEGEE-Ljubljana board members, SU Ljubljana team members and some of the participants of the event joined us and had fun with us.
Panda hugs from AEGEE-Ljubljana EDE team ;-)
Photography by Blaž Šteblaj
May 29, 2009
Let's get "Sustainability" in the Spanish Dictionary!
They used the technologies that are now available and created a website to promote the inclusion of the word with a proper definition; but not only that, they are also asking people to propose definitions, to arrive to a common place for such an important word nowadays. Because, if lacking a definition is bad, a bad definition would be much worse.
Here is the webiste just for you to look at (if you understand Spanish would be much better):
In the Galeria link, you can find other kind of definitions: videos , pictures... people is quite creative on definitions!
But I want to see that AEGEE people is also creative, so you can send definitions here or you can even send videos there to that website. I will translate the best ones and send them to the website, so we gain also visibility for our project!
May 23, 2009
The Danube Project has just received a YiA grant for both of its seminars, one in The Danube Delta and the other in Bratislava taking place in august and september!
So, now, long preparations are being made in order to make these events trully remarkable!
The first seminar will be held in the Danube Delta, from 15-21 August.
The SuFu team has already prepared an adventurous program with study trips to local villages, to the famous Letea Forest, boat trips, workshops as well as practical activities like clean-up sessions, eco-friendly art, photo exhibition and many more to come...
But why choosing the Danube Delta for our project?
Danube Delta is literally a migrant birds paradise! Being declared a UNESCO heritage and a reservation of Biosphere the wonderful delta was formed as the Danube River reverses itself into the Black Sea.
There are around 331 species of birds, 83 species of fish, 2244 insects and 42 species of mammals, from which thousands of swans, pelicans, wild ducks and sturgeons. A very diverse flora with around 2000 types of plants has grown in the surroundings made up of channels, ponds, flooded areas and lakes as well as beaches and salt water areas. The flora also includes the famous Letea Forest, with climbing plants, elm and oak trees.
The population living in this area is quite small, the region being one of the least inhabited in Europe. There are around 27 villages in the region, in which the people usually live on what the Danube provides, by fishing, subsistence agriculture or local tourism.
The main sources of pollution come from pesticides, industrial and city residuals from the rivers that reverse into the Danube. Other source is garbage disposal form the local villages as well as from tourists.
That is why ecotourism and sustainable development are key-issues...
This is also why we have placed our project in this wonderful area!
This ...along with a possible weakness for "danubian" and romanian traditional cuisine, culture, all in an aegeean atmosphere...
May 18, 2009
EDE competition!
Join a photo/video competition "Renewable energy" from May 25th till June 12th!
"Sustaining our Future" team has formed a partnership with the connect2earth initative, run by WWF and IUCN, and powered by Nokia!
1) Make a short video or photo series in the topic of renewable energy - how it could fit to our everyday life, what good can it bring, what is the future of renewable energy, etc.
3) On June 19th, a jury composed of one member from WWF, IUCN and the SuFu team will select the winner, who will be awarded an environmental mobile phone solar charger and get a special highlight on the connect2earth site!
4) All the uploaded videos and photos will also compete in the overall connect2earth competition lasting throughout the year, with the final prize of participation in the UN Climate Change Negotiations in Copenhagen in December.
You can already check out the site now:
May 9, 2009
How to define "sustainable development"?
The most known and sort of "official" definition says it's "development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the abiliy of future generations to meet their needs". Lot's of broad words, isn't it?
In the survey made in autumn among AEGEE members, we asked the people to define it in their own words. And here's what came out.
Almost half of the answers mentioned that sustainable development is something keeping in mind the future generations, around 1/3 mentioned that it's mainly to protect and safeguard the environment. The 2 other sustainable development pillars (the concept consists of 3 pillars: environment, economy and society) were mentioned less: around 20% put the focus on economical development, and 15% to social welfare.
"Managing the resources" was also the keywords mentioned quite often, whether they were meant as natural resources or some other resources. As activity, desides using the word "development", respondents mentioned "efficient" or "rational resource use", "improvement of life quality" and few times also "technology". What could be also brought out is that the need to sutain our planet, world was mentioned more times than the needs and benefits to human race.
Of course there are always some more creative ways to define "sustainable development" like: "living without messing up the world too much" :)
What can be concluded based on this question? That in general, young people do have some overview what this concept means, the need to preserve our world for future generations and environmental protection as key activity seem to be the most important parts of it.
For those, wanting to read more about sustainable development definitions, click here. Also, a sort of speculation of the "official" definition can be found here.
Give your thoughts: how do you see sustainable development? Is it actually something we should strive for? How far can we actually develop?
May 3, 2009
European Day of Environment

Ready for next activity by the flagship project "Sustaining our Future"?
Want to be part of the SuFu Panda team?
Do you think that 5th of June is just an ordinary day?
Hmm, you`re wrong!
Actually, it is a very special day – World Environment Day!
We would like all AEGEE antennae to Take Action in the week around this special date.
Let`s discover and improve our environment … You don`t know how to do it???
Here`s a list with ideas for EDE activities.
And sample Environmental Actions that you can use.
To show you that is really not difficult, we have also brought out 15 steps how to organize EDE.
WE – YOUNG PEOPLE CAN TAKE A LEAD IN PRESERVING OUR COMMON FUTURE, so stop for a moment and watch the following video.
We hope your antenna will be enthusiast to cooperate with us in 2009 –
we have some surprises for those who will participate :)
CONTACT: If you want to apply with your local for the organization of an event in this frame or if you are just interested and want to get more information please write to Olga Daskali:
Deadline of expressing your interest and sending plans of your event is 20th of May 2009!
You can always turn to SuFu team for help!
April 24, 2009
Big Fun + Hard Work + Nice Island = Magusa!!

There was a nice workshop organized by SuFu, where our Danube girls presented the initiative. It was due to rush of plennary that workshops were not properly presented in front of all the delegates, so we didn't get as many interested people as we would have liked to. Be we had quality instead of quantity! They were participative and creative, and developed the project with their contribution. We want to thank all of them and hope to see YOU in one of our events (or in both!).
Other interesting things:
- The Finding Sustainland SU from AEGEE Ankara was actively promoted by their organizing team, and it looks really great!
- We have chosen a new flagship Topic, Beyond Europe, to be developed soon into a concrete project. I want to encourage the proposers to be ambitious, idealistic, positive and... good luck!!
- Logistically it was again a perfect event, thanks to hard work from AEGEE-Magusa people, and the support of Near East University. Good food, big parties, and the AEGEE neighbourhood (a different kind of hosting. I just think that the people from Magusa should learn how to wake up people). Happy 10th, AEGEE-Magusa!! The cake was great!
- People from Kyiv were already doing some FR for their univeristy with nice calendars. With each one you could also ask for a wish: mine was to see Dragan dressed up as SuFu Panda in Agora Kyiv, and I bought 5 calendars to increase my chances - the nice pictures of Kyiv girls had nothing to do, for sure :) . If you have an opportunity to ask for wishes, think about it... It could be so much fun! (Sorry Dragan if you read this)

That is all for now, from Morocco, the SuFu Panda.
PS: While we wait for more pics from our workshop, I borrowed some pics from Facebook, "thanks" to their owners for their understanding :)
April 11, 2009
makeITfair Amsterdam Youth Roundtable ‘09
One general focus of the round table was to actively involve youth organizations in spreading the word on better working conditions & sustainable environmental impact of electronic industry.
As a campaign, makeITfair lobbies among big brand companies through meetings, round tables, policy statements and issues papers commenting on their current activities. On the other hand, use is made of support of international trade unions federations and local trade unions, consumers organizations or civil society organizations in many countries. More info on makeITfair you can find here:
Over the 3 days of round table we became familiar with the issues within the electronic industry, especially mobile phone manufacturing, and worked together on finding specific solutions to ensure the sustainability of IT.
The round table discussions foc
We were also given the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with the industry, workers organizations from the South as well as with lobby organizations.
We were thirty youth representatives from organizations all around Europe, from countries like Germany, Finland, Denmark, Slovakia, Latvia, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Poland.
Despite the somewhat limited time dedicated to networking (since the round table discussions were really intense) I managed to spend a lot of time promoting AEGEE and SuFu and I established contacts which I am sure could bevaluable for our next events. I was really happy to meet among the participants people who were already familiar with AEGEE,and who were even members of AEGEE too.
Already some people have expressed interest to promote AEGEE and cooperate with us in future events! Not so bad for such a short time alotted to knowing the fellow associations, really!You can find some nice videos taken during the event here and here
April 5, 2009
Great week with SuFu in Copenhagen
It both seems like ages ago and like yesterday at the same time, when participants were welcomed in the hostel, where they also got their own personal mug, that was used during the whole week (no plastic cups were used during this event).
It was nice to see people using their SuFu mugs everywhere. Hopefully they will be also used in future events :P
Copenhagen has many sustainability practices to show: everyone knows about the big amount of bicycles in the city, in fact the city hall representative, who gave us open speech for the whole week, also arrived on a bike. Alternative community Christiania represents it's own version of sustainability, where we had guided tour.
Another aspect came with the visit to waste management center: Danes seem to have recycling in their blood and public recycling centers are used often.
It is also no problem to find organic food in Denmark, even visiting a most common supermarket, the organisers could find enough products to make almost totally organic dinner for all the participants. On the last evening we even got the chance to dine in a 100% organic restaurant, where everything from the clothes of the cooks to the drinks in the bar was organic. Plus the meals, that were made right in front of the customers in the open kitchen.
It was great to spend this week with so nice participants, who really made the event come alive. Besides the crazy parties, participants still managed to wake up every morning on time (big thanks to our wake up responsible Miguel!) and stayed energetic during all the days (thanks to Percin for all the energizers!). Also weather seemed to like us, as on the last days some people even managed to get small sunburn.
The concrete results of the "Sustainable SCANdinavia" are probably still to come. Many nice ideas were created for next possible events, and if we are lucky, we might even have 2nd Scandinavian sustainability lesson still this year in Sweden.
Finally I would like to thank Karmen from Ljubljana, who was one of our trainers and AEGEE-Copenhagen guys, for arranging us probably the most delicious dinners in the history of AEGEE events and showing us the Copenhagen nightlife! My last thanks go to Katrin and Dragana, who were the managers for this project and worked on it for many months. Well done, girls!
March 28, 2009
Think Tank - small update

For more impressions of the day, you can find the press release here and pictures here.

March 16, 2009
Thursday, Friday & Saturday: Think Tank!

Hi SuFu bloggies,
This Thursday, Friday and Saturday our think tank: "Create and In(ter)novate!" is going to take place in Brussels. As it is quite a busy period, this will be a short blog. But I will try to make it up to you by promissing to publish a long post about it afterwards (And some of you I might see there).
These days the last things are coming together: confirmations from speakers, jury members, trying to get some last discounts for the participants, arranging all the lodging, etc. But it is going to be nice, because at the end of the week the result will be:
The first ever pan-European youth Think Tank on mobility and energy.
It is going to be the first time to gather many young Europeans in this format, to really make and propose fresh and innovative solutions to existing problems in companies and organisations. Participants will meet other young students and young professionals from all over Europe, and can even earn 1000 Euro with using their creativity in a useful way. And to top it all off the think tank will be closed with a very nice and luxury reception in Brussels at TUSIAD, the Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association, who are so kind to host this for us.
If you are interested: there are still some places left for those who wish to participate!
For more information you can check our website.
And to apply click here
Participation is open to all European students and young professionals.
Hope to see you around at one of our activities!! (and why not this Think Tank ;-)
March 6, 2009
Team Update March
This week I will write a team update, so you can have a general idea of what the SuFu team is dealing with at this moment. Most of us have exams at the moment, but that is not stopping SuFu!!
But before, I want to introduce you Milana, our new PR manager; she is from AEGEE-Ljublana, and joined our team with high motivation, bringing us more creativity and new inspiration. you can find a hint on her work at the SuFu newsletter of February.
Our manager, Kadri, keeps her busy coordinating the team, but had time to attend the Y-vote event in München to present SuFu there, together with Maria; they gave a workshop about Renewable Energies. Martien and Ana (Percin supporting them) work hard nowadays to make the Think Tank a event where creativity and ideas flourish. Katrin is in charge of the Sustainable SCANdinavia event in Copenhagen, while Dragana roams in Cambodian wilderness on a trip with her Faculty...
Tiit is getting ready to gather a group of experienced members to develop the concept of Sustainability Trainings. There will be a meeting soon, just stay tuned if you think you can contribute.
Georgios is waiting for these two events to be accomplished to start gathering results and evaluation. Olga is quite busy at her studies too, but she started gathering antennae that want to organize an event for the European Day of Environment. Will you be one of them? :)
Our Danube girls, Iulia and Flavia, mix exams with project coordination in perfect harmony, and we wish them good luck at both!
Miguel is still in his Moroccan mountains, trying to hunt leopards (with a camera), and working together with AEGEE-Madrid to prepare the application for the SuFu and the City event; this weekend Miguel will try to meet with Maria in Fez; after München, she is taking a break at her FR activities to do a work visit to Morocco. Let's see if communications and bad weather allow this meeting :)
As you see, busy time for the SuFu's... But we love it!
March 1, 2009
Warming up for Copenhagen

We fell in love with the city when we walked around visiting different locations that participants will enjoy; we discussed the programme and made some rearrangements; we had a look at some of the applications and got enthusiastic about the high level of them. We also made last agreements for the venue where the conferences will take place, and found a possible place for the opening; lastly we talked with people at the hostel. We (of course!) also took the pulse of Copenhagen nights, finding one or two places that we are sure our happy participants will love!
On personal level, it was my second time in the city and it snowed everyday, as the first time did. No matter what members of AEGEE-København tell about not snowing often in their city, if you are coming I advise you take warm clothes and good shoes! :)

PS: Pictures of people working are usually boring, so this time we show you some more interesting ones :)
February 19, 2009
Create and In(ter)notvate in Brussels!
Moreover, applications for the think tank in Brussels are going well, but there are still some places left. So there is still the possibility to apply..
Join the AEGEE think tank!
Creative. International. Interdisciplinary. Interactive. Innovation!
The ISSUE is real. Our partners are looking for a SOLUTION. The actual question remains SECRET till the day. The PRIZE is 1000 Euro.
Have you always wanted to see if your brain is worth money?
We organise the 1st pan-European Youth Think Tank on mobility and energy, from 19 to 21 March in Brussels.
Outline of the Think Tank:
Participants will be given a real issue put forward by our business and institution partners, relating to sustainability, mobility and energy. In groups of five they will develop a fresh and innovative solution, using their creative problem solving skills.
The moment this issue is on the table, there are 6 hours to find a solution. All the necessary equipments will be available: Internet, your own network, assistance from AEGEE-Europe and our partner companies. General knowledge is important, yet something more is needed:
If you think you can push your ideas and create innovative solutions to the challenges offered during the day and if you believe your ideas might be worth 1000 Euro, then you are invited to this event.
This is your chance to show that your ideas are worth gold!
Participation is open to all students and young professionals.
Will you be the team that takes back home 1000 Euro? Will your ideas be implemented by top companies in Europe?
Find more information at:
You can apply via:
DEADLINE is Tuesday 24th February
CU in Brussels!
February 8, 2009
SuFu Panda getting ready for EBM
So, those of you going there, you will be lucky first ones to see our mascotte Panda in public.
Of course, in EBM you will also have the chance to get to know more about our upcoming activities, of which to think tank and Scandinavia visit we have already open applications (go check:
You can meet SuFu team in Roundtable Discussions, in AEGEE cafe and also in workshop, that we will share with one of our partners. So will get the chance to hear also, why and how people are dealing with sustainability outside AEGEE.
And of course, we will have some surprises ;)
Hope to meet and talk to many of you in Torino next week!
January 29, 2009
The (biggest) environmental problem in Europe?
Out of 145 respondents, there were over 40 different problems mentioned. That shows that indeed we have a lot of things to take care of. Compiling them into topics, here you can see the Top 10:
1) air pollution and greenhouse gases
2) unsustainable production and use of energy, fossil fuels
3) water problems (pollution, shortage of drinking water)
4) unsustainable transport, too many cars
5) waste problems and lack of recycling
6) over consumption and production, using too much resources
7) global warming and climate change
8) pollution generally
9) deforestration, unsustainable use of forests
10) lack of political will and international cooperation to make changes
Other problems mentioned were: nuclear pollution, people's awareness and attitude, problems connected to industries, agricultural production, consuming too much meat and fish, increasing poverty, pollution from cities, etc.
There was no big domination of one opinion (the no 1 problem was mentioned by around 12% of respondents), but it can be seen that many of the listed problems are more or less connected to climate change. This reminds me the poll made by EU in September 2008 showing also that Europeans worry a lot about climate change, BUT most of them are not willing to do much about it. What about us, the youth, AEGEE?
About the survey: The whole survey consisted of questions generally about sustainable development and about consumption patterns. It will be basis for a Master thesis and the overall final results will be published in summer 2009.
January 21, 2009
SuFu Newsletter Issue No 1!
Issue no 1 of SuFu newsletter is online and ready for you :D We are more than happy to share you the news and updates of AEGEE's Flagship Project, and we really have a lot to share :D Just click on the link below to download
Read it to learn about Messolonghi team meeting, about Think Tank, Sustainable SCANdinavia, Danube-Let it flow!, EDE, SuFu Panda, everything you have heard somewhere, you have read on a facebook status message, somebody told you on an AEGEE night and you want to know more about!
January 16, 2009
SUFU on Facebook
Recently Facebook group "Sustaining our Future 2009" was created. In 24 hours we managed to have 224 members, and this number is increasing constantly. If you are not there yet, please do not hesitate any more, support our project and JOIN NOW :)
Sustainably yours,
January 9, 2009
Granted YiA for SCANdinavia project
That means that 35 AEGEE members from all over the network will be hosted by AEGEE Copenhagen from 30th March to 5th April 2009. They will have chance to discover, learn, discuss and practice through many various activities on the hottest topic nowadays - Sustainable development . They will meet Scandinavian top experts dealing with sustainable development, renewable energy and sustainable lifestyles, and visit the most successful enviroment responsible companies in Denmark, from recycling centre to organic farms, wind energy parks, etc...
But we will not reveal everything now, just keep in mind that this will be the event with totally innovative concept to AEGEE. And not to mentioned that it will be the most ambitious Scandinavian project in history of AEGEE.
So, be prepared, after a long time AEGEE Copenhagen is back on the track together with SUFU .
Stay tooned, more information about event and application procedure will follow soon.
BIG.NEW.GREEN.YOU greetings :)